My letterb-OX

A few weeks ago, the mighty Coalesce hooked up with those fine people at iLike to offer a competition.Much like that Melvins one from a few months ago, applicants were asked to write about their favourite Coalesce song. What it is? Why is it? Etc. So I entered: the prioize was a copy of theirContinue reading “My letterb-OX”

The Bug packaging fetish

Apologies for the clear laziness of this post, but I have to get something pon de blog tonight, as I missed out last night. I have a good reason: I was at a gig. And I plan on getting it written up tomorrow night. Exciting, right? Anyway, I saw Asobi Seksu. They were good, thoughContinue reading “The Bug packaging fetish”

Earth packaging fetish: widescreen edition!

So I finally, finally got hold of the Earth album from last year, after everyone was banging on about it. It sold out at source very quickly, which led to yours truly searching, in a panic, for other copies. None in shops or the usual internet places. Someone recommended Rough Trade, and they had itContinue reading “Earth packaging fetish: widescreen edition!”