I got a damn Steam Deck

(Or: I need to blog more) Today I got a Steam Deck. If you don’t know what that is, you can Google it. But in short, it’s a decent gaming PC in the form of the Nintendo Switch’s big brother. Made by Valve, the clever people behind the Half Life and Portal games, Steam gamingContinue reading “I got a damn Steam Deck”

Black Mirror: season 1

I should really write something about Inside Number 9, given that we recently hurtled through its six series at perhaps a greater pace than we did Line of Duty. But I’m not, I’m writing about Black Mirror because I may as well write about something reasonably soon after watching it. What does Inside Number 9Continue reading “Black Mirror: season 1”

Zeal and Ardor – Devil Is Fine

I don’t even know what to make of this. But I stand corrected. In my last post, I suggested rock music (though still occasionally very good) didn’t really have anything new to say. I was wrong. Take “Come on Down”, a track by Zeal and Ardor, which seems to pretty much be a gentleman byContinue reading “Zeal and Ardor – Devil Is Fine”

Algiers – The Underside of Power

Stay calm, throughsilver; just write. Write, without proclaiming your need to do so. Just write about the album you told Dunc to buy, without having heard it yourself. That was a good recommendation: you just knew it was exactly what he needed to get on this trip to the UK. You can name this articleContinue reading “Algiers – The Underside of Power”