My letterb-OX

A few weeks ago, the mighty Coalesce hooked up with those fine people at iLike to offer a competition.Much like that Melvins one from a few months ago, applicants were asked to write about their favourite Coalesce song. What it is? Why is it? Etc. So I entered: the prioize was a copy of theirContinue reading “My letterb-OX”

The Neurosis Album Hierarchy

Talk on a message board recently turned to Neurosis, and what their best albums are. I got involved and that, combined with having not written anything for ages, results in the following. Listed in ascending order: The Eye of Every Storm (2004)Pain of Mind (1987)The Word as Law (1990) TEoES was just bland. Bland stuffContinue reading “The Neurosis Album Hierarchy”