Warpaint – Exquisite Corpse

Manimal (2009)See it pon de posh new FACT site ere. There is lush ‘n’ longing, and then there is Warpaint. You remember on Beavis and Butthead, when our brace of budding reviewers used to assume Pantera was just the singer, and not the band?* Warpaint is a quartet from Los Angeles, but on the basisContinue reading “Warpaint – Exquisite Corpse”

Tom Waits – Glitter and Doom Live

I had hoped to have my traditional year-end post up by now, but I have been more long-winded than usual, and will have to up it in the next day or so. Apols! In the meantime, here’s some Tom Waits for y’all. See you in the one-oh! ANTI- (2009) (FACT) If I didn’t know better,Continue reading “Tom Waits – Glitter and Doom Live”

Animal Collective – Fall Be Kind

Domino Recording Co. (2009) (A FACT presentation) Here’s an EP from low-key Maryland beat combo, the Animal Collective. They released a fine little album way back at the start of this year, Merriweather Post Pavilion, that could really have done with a bit more publicity. Perhaps it was just released at the wrong time: ACContinue reading “Animal Collective – Fall Be Kind”

Dead Confederate – Wrecking Ball

Wrecking Ball is good, old-fashioned rock music. Dead Confed being from the state of Georgia (in America, as opposed to the former Soviet republic), the traditionally exaggerated rawk twang doesn’t come across at all exaggerated. The pleasure that comes from listening to opener ‘Heavy Petting’ or single ‘The Rat’ (the latter complete with super-pronounced ‘bang-bueeerrrnng’)Continue reading “Dead Confederate – Wrecking Ball”