Random play

Today was another of those days when the portable music player just seemed to be fantastic at DJing for me. Granted, it was yours truly who actually populated the thing with music (from scratch, since the great iPhone 3.13 upgrade debacle), but the boy done good. Oh, according to Google Docs, ‘debacle’ is not aContinue reading “Random play”


So I was sent the new Shining album last night, and I listened to it on the way home today. Well, most of it. It was a lovely experience: increasingly rarely as I age do I get the chance to indulge in that exciting first listen to a album for which I’ve waited. And IContinue reading “Blackjazz”

More Faith, no?

So Faith No More announced they were getting back together. I should be happy. I am happy, in a way, because it’s inherently good. However, like Chinese Democracy, it should never have happened in the first place. It’s always better as something to fantasise about than as something to have to face up to inContinue reading “More Faith, no?”

Without me you’re only you

Yeah, it’s something of a mid-blog crisis. My domain name has projected itself into limbo, rendering most links to this place dead. Or dormant. So while I’m in this limbo, I can post, but essentially in silence. So I decide I may as well tinker a bit with the layout. But I think I hadContinue reading “Without me you’re only you”