Love, by Gaspar Noé

I wasn’t sure Noe was going to make another film. He shot to prominence with Irreversible, a shattering backwards narrative that forced the audience to confront the grim reality of brutal vengeance before knowing what had led the protagonist to that point, while a woozy disembodied camera floated us uncertainly through Paris from scene toContinue reading “Love, by Gaspar Noé”

Mulholland Dr.

[Written ages ago] David Lynch (USA/France, 2001) I have a pile of DVDs that sit, unwatched. They wait, patiently, for the moment that they realise their potential and rotate at high speed inside my DVD player. The more I want to watch one of these discs, the longer they usually have to wait before fulfillingContinue reading “Mulholland Dr.”